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They're More Like Guidelines

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1They're More Like Guidelines Empty They're More Like Guidelines Tue Jun 12, 2012 4:49 am



Every forum needs rules, but no one likes reading them, so I'll make it brief.

Rule Number One: Keep it PG-13. No sex, no F-bombs, no over-the-top gore. We don't want anyone vomiting all over the keyboard, now do we? No.

Rule Number Two: Be nice. Don't say anything that might get someone's knickers in a twist. This is a no knicker twisting zone. Read the signs.

Rule Number Three: Uh...I can't think of anything else. What's a generic final rule? Oh, I know. Have fun and enjoy yourself! Oh, ho ho!

So...yeah! If you think of anything else you'd like me to address, let me know. Otherwise, just write with your head and not your dumb, and everyone will be happy.


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